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Guest art - Jessica

This week's guest art is by Jessica E. H., and I am loving both the concept and the execution of those shadows...

The next update post will probably go up when I'm ready to announce the Chapter 19 launch date. I'm still working on script edits at the moment - it has been an unexpectedly hectic month, and to be honest I've needed a break. With the election coming up I've also been busy volunteering with my local Democratic committee (Eligible voters in the US, make sure you have a plan to get to the polls or otherwise deliver your ballot by the 5th - I'm sure I don't have to tell you how important this one is).

If you would like to be notified when the next update post goes up, you can subscribe to the RSS feed. Or join the Tamuran Discord server.

Thank you all for reading, and thanks again to everybody who made such incredible guest art! Our readers really are the best. 💚