Main Cast

Nashua Nikae
(na-SHU-ah ni-KYE)
One of the Wild Elves who live deep in the mountain forests of Tamuran. Nashua was guardian of the herd of Moon Stags that were the sacred protectors of his village, until one day both the stags and his entire clan vanished without a trace. After weeks of fruitless searching, he and his silver raven Talather turn to the capital city of Tamuran to seek the King’s aid and bring him a warning.
First appearance: Chapter 1 page 1

Varony Domravilla
(VAIR-on-nee dom-ra-VEE-lah)
A cheerful young man from the nomadic Traveler clan Domravilla, who recently struck out on his own to see something of the world for himself. He apparently has some memory issues regarding his life beyond a few years ago, but that doesn’t seem to bother him in the least.
First appearance: Chapter 1 page 4

Kipnerys Jintaudri
(kip-NAIR-iss zhin-TODD-ree)
Kip is a Morphus, a member of the magical Tu Naul race with the ability to shapeshift into different animal forms. She was bound in the form of a lemur and companioned for sixty years to the court physician of Tamuran, Lady Cathrine Jynsen. She greatly enjoys her life at court, but since Cathrine’s death she has found herself adrift in the confusion of the mortal realm. That is, until a chance meeting sends her life in an even more confusing direction…
First appearance: Chapter 3 page 1

Ranon Sun'arda
(RAN-on soon-AR-dah)
The youngest prince of Tamuran, Ranon has lived a rigidly structured life devoted mainly to his studies. Since childhood he has been able to hear the voices of the ancestral spirits that haunt the walls of the palace, an ability that secretly designates him as the heir to the throne. But when that secret falls into the wrong hands, stone walls and the kingdom’s most elite guards and most powerful wizards may not be able to protect him, especially from threats arising from within the palace itself.
First appearance: Chapter 3 page 5

(Imagine tiger vocalizations to get an idea of what it sounds like.)
A lastre anduatha who hails from the mysterious Old Wood, deep in the heart of the Wilde. Hhr’skhygh is highly curious and, for a predatory beast larger than a horse, has a fantastic knack for getting himself into places where he doesn’t belong. His true purpose in traveling so far from the wilderness is known only to himself.
First appearance: Chapter 7 page 32

Captain Morgen Owings, Zharus Guard
Captain of Prince Johlan and Prince Ashlar’s personal guard, head of palace intelligence. He takes his duties very seriously and prides himself on knowing everything that goes on in the palace at all times. When he's not focused on work, his mind is usually wandering from one random topic of musing to another. Loves coffee.
First appearance: Chapter 5 page 30
Effire Dreonaurith
(ef-FEER drew-NOW-rith)
Captain Owings's Morphus companion of ten years, bound in the form of a cobra. He serves as the Captain's eyes and ears around the palace, aided by his near-eidetic memory. He also makes sure his companion remembers to eat and sleep when such inconveniences are necessary. Likes: reading and exploring new places. Hates being cold.
First appearance: Chapter 5 page 30
Other Characters

Ashlar Sun'arda
(ASH-lar soon-AR-dah)
Second son of the Patriarch of Tamuran, younger brother to Johlan and elder brother to Ranon.
First appearance: Prologue page 1

Johlan Sun'arda
(JOE-lon soon-AR-dah)
Eldest son of the Patriarch of Tamuran, elder brother to Ashlar and Ranon.
First appearance: Prologue page 2

Johlan and Ashlar’s main contact with the Sorcerers.
First appearance: Prologue page 4

Nashua’s silver raven companion.
First appearance: Chapter 1 page 1

Madame de’Tuliae
Proprietress of the Coff Inn. She makes a practice of taking in down-on-their-luck young women and giving them a home and employment.
First appearance: Chapter 2 page 2

Ka Nuu
Nashua’s riding elk. Highly opinionated.
First appearance: Chapter 2 page 10

Dr. Cathrine Jynsen
The late court physician of Tamuran. Formerly Kip’s bound Companion.
First appearance: Chapter 3 page 3

A young woman who entreats Nashua, Varony, and Kip for help one night.
First appearance: Chapter 1 page 25

Chamberlain Grahm
Patriarch Leius’s royal chamberlain, also served Leius’s father before him. Has finely-honed skill in the art of ignoring people.
First appearance: Chapter 5 page 20

Patriarch Leius Sun’arda
(LEE-us soon-AR-dah)
Patriarch of Tamuran since the age of 27. Father of Johlan, Ashlar, and Ranon.
First appearance: Chapter 3 page 5

Mistress Lana Denoon
Head of the palace Veil Wizards, longtime close friend and confidante of Patriarch Leius.
First appearance: Chapter 6 page 6

One of the Veil Wizards employed in the Wizards’ Wing of the palace.
First appearance: Chapter 8 page 17

Ranon’s manservant and best friend. He has served the Prince for many years.
First appearance: Chapter 9 page 32

Liem Blaine, Zharus Guard
One of Ashlar and Johlan’s personal guard and weapons-master for the palace Zharus Guard. His Morphus companion is a wolf named Garith.
First appearance: Chapter 6 page 33

The mother wyrm
Single mom just trying to keep her kids fed during difficult times.
First appearance: Chapter 11 page 1

The Genisai
A powerful forest spirit who holds territory deep in the Wilde. Her kind are whispered of in Elven legends as dangerous beings not to be trifled with under any circumstances.
Do not make her angry.
First appearance: Chapter 12 page 12

Claudia Deshir
Leader of one of the mercenary groups searching for the youngest prince of Tamuran and his kidnappers.
First appearance: Chapter 13 page 10

Jadsira Rathkaravilla
A young Traveler woman whose clan has been trapped by the worsening plague of Seyelive, doing her best to remain cheerful in hopeless times.
First appearance: Chapter 13 page 17

A Tu Naul who travels the mortal realm hunting dangerous beasts and monsters.
First appearance: Chapter 13 page 33

Dr. Bill Farian
Former physician to the Tamuran palace guard, now promoted to court physician. Overworked and long-suffering with a dry sense of humor.
First appearance: Chapter 16 page 9

Talig, Zharus Guard
The highly capable second-in-command to Captain Owings. Don't ask her what her first name is. Her Morphus is a falcon named Sheru.
First appearance: Chapter 5 page 33

Morphus companioned to Talig, bound in the form of a falcon. Likes really bad puns.
First appearance: Chapter 16 page 23

Rais's assistant
Knows some kind of magic. Doesn't talk much.
First appearance: Chapter 16 page 21

Rolan Virnlaza
A lych with a grudge.
First appearance: Chapter 17 page 25

A skilled mage and canny martial artist who makes a living scouring dangerous ruins for magical artifacts with her partner Atley.
First appearance: Chapter 17 page 31

A boisterous alchemist with a fondness for explosions and beverages of questionable repute.
First appearance: Chapter 17 page 31