About the World

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Tamuran is an ancient but relatively small and insignificant kingdom, ruled by a long line of Patriarchs and Matriarchs. It is known for its abundant natural resources and its vast, lush wilderness, which is said to contain wonders and terrible dangers in its deepest unexplored reaches.

Tamuran's capital city, where the story begins.
The Wilde
Tamuran's mountain wilderness. Its ancient forests are home to Wild Elves, itinerant woodsmen and prospectors, and all manner of strange creatures.

The Old Wood
An area of uncharted forest deep in the heart of the Wilde, where ancient magics commingle with nature to produce creatures, wonders, and dangers found nowhere else in the world. Even the forest elves consider it foolhardy to venture into, and few would-be explorers have ever returned.
A small city on the edge of the wilder parts of the forest, Hiancea is normally a waypoint for traders, lumberers, trappers, and others who work in the wilderness, as well as for travelers heading between the more civilized areas of Tamuran and the city of Twin Spires on the road to Meuriana and the north. It is also frequented by musicians seeking employment on the Singing Lake. These days, Hiancea finds itself besieged by a strange new threat arising from the forest.

The Singing Lake
Legend says that a monster with a proclivity for music lurks in the depths of the lake, and to appease the monster, no boat may cross the lake without musicians on board. This opportunity draws many aspiring bards to the area to hone their skills.
Ruins of a city that once housed a wizards' college, until it was destroyed in a magical disaster 500 years ago.

A vast, powerful empire that spans most of the continent, currently ruled by King Rehahdeshan. Atriand is Tamuran's closest ally.
The large, cold country to the north of Tamuran, with whom relations have historically been fraught.