Chapter 18 Page 88

Welcome back, Effire.

The Tu Naul, according to tradition and history, are one of the three magical guardian races sworn by the Dragons to use their power to watch over and protect mankind - a role they take very seriously. As the high mage described in Kip's graduation speech in chapter 3, and as Kip alluded in chapter 11, a Morphus's service as a bonded Companion on the mortal plane is held to be a great honor, and a fulfillment of their sacred duty and highest purpose as a Tu Naul. The exact process by which a Morphus and their partner are matched is a secret, but it is said to involve both divinatory magics and careful consideration, and if there are occasions where the pairing doesn't work out, they are rare and not commonly heard about.

Effire would admit he's a bit cynical about the whole thing... but if he had left, would he be justified in wanting to choose his own path and reject the hand he's been arbitrarily dealt, especially when it seemed to him like the process wasn't working? Or would he be selfishly abandoning his partner and spurning his responsibilities? It might depend whom you ask...