Guest art - Caspian Greyling

Look at this beautiful, iconic-looking piece by Caspian Greyling... and check out their comic Life After Life if you like intriguing stories about supernaturally fated soulmates.

(incidentally, I would love to make a Tamuran tarot deck someday... we've got the major arcana and a few of the minors mapped out so far, but it will be a while before I get to the artwork... and also a while before some of the major characters show up in the comic. Which characters do you think match which cards so far?)

Also... please welcome the first round of this year's new SpiderForest members!

New Member Spotlight - Unlikely Heroes

Pirates and pilots, serpents and sorcery! Jump into adventures and mystery with these comics about taking your destiny into your own hands - whether you're ready or not!


Thunderstar - Amanda is an adventurous goth girl and a great pilot in the Royal Starfleet. When her boyfriend is kidnapped by a cult for their own nefarious purposes, it's up to her and her high-strung engineer to defy the odds, cross the galaxy, and save him.

Teague Fagan

Teague Fagan - A sea serpent in the form of a human hermit is exiled to an island somewhere in the Celtic Sea while mermaids mysteriously, yet ruthlessly, hunt him down. But a new threat may pull him out of hiding...

Saffron Wave

Saffron Wave - Set 3000 years ago on ancient Crete, Nephele lives in uneventful solitude, until her world is upended by strange sea monsters and an even stranger woman giving her magical girl powers.

Heart of the Storm

Heart of the Storm - Tempest--a wanted pirate with no ship and no attachments--spends her time dancing around the gallows and making a mockery of the law. She takes and does as she pleases, consequences be damned. But that might all change when she saves Callisto's life.

Yokoka's Quest

Yokoka's Quest - Yokoka is a catgirl on an adventure and winging it, but what could go wrong? Right?


Entropy - Arielle is an impulsive, headstrong blacksmith's apprentice who comes in contact with a strange magical artifact that seems connected to an otherworldly being. As she experiments with its power, she may have accidentally kickstarted the apocalypse.